
Branding and Reputation in the Digital Age

This was once something that only the largest companies had to worry about but with social media now prevalent every company must protect their reputation.

On a social media platform you may come up against criticisms or poor reviews but the way in which you handle these makes all the difference. Looking at a larger business’ Facebook page might show you a good or bad example but it can be hard to know which is which.

It’s important to take on board the criticism, even if you don’t think that it’s valid and politely respond to let them know you’re looking into it. From there you can direct them to a private message, instead of on your Twitter feed or Facebook page publicly. Be transparent but know when to put an end to an unproductive back and forth, you can offer a dissatisfied customer an alternative but if they don’t wish to take you up on it then there’s little you can do.

You can also invite feedback, which shows that you’re willing and able to make changes where necessary. This gives the impression of a more open and understanding brand, which can give you the edge over the competition. It’s never pleasant to receive the news that your product isn’t perfect but making changes can improve the success of your brand in the long term.

Social media allows you the chance to talk with your audience on a one to one basis, to find out more about them and their interactions with your product. This is an unparalleled option to get into the minds of your customer to figure out how best to cater for them.

The need to manage your reputation comes with many pitfalls as you may receive more than you bargained for. Be prepared to not like what you read if your business isn’t doing well but take the overall impression and use it to make changes for the future so that next time you get feedback it will be positive.

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