What Does Viator’s Booking Platform Mean For You?

What Does Viator’s Booking Platform Mean For You? – DigiTourShow Daily #106

So, TripAdvisor owned Viator have released their own booking platform potentially allowing anyone to create a commission based travel business, selling other suppliers products.

Now, I was always wary about TripAdvisor buying Viator as to me, this would mean they would show preference to those on TripAdvisor for example.

What Viator have released now creates even more competition in the market, which will ultimately mean ‘real’ tourism businesses have to work even harder.

Although they say it will never happen, in future I can see TripAdvisor and Viator closing those out who are not subscribed to one of these platforms.

Only time will tell, but you can take it as red that you need to work even harder as you are about to find more competition in the market.

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