Nicola Hunter Page, Content & Social Co-ordinator

Nicola Hunter Page - Website Content

Nicola tried on a variety of jobs and careers before serendipity led her to TMA as our Content & Social Co-ordinator. With a strong background in retail and the entertainment/hospitality industry, it seemed so obvious that it would lead her to a position where the best of the skills she learned throughout the years fit perfectly.

Initially coming on board as a freelancer to help out on a project, Nicola quickly fell in love with the world of tourism and marketing. Supporting clients all over the world is one of her favourite roles, second only to the fact that every day is a school day; constantly learning about the world as well as the technical side of her role makes each new morning exciting. When offered the chance to stay on full time, Nicola jumped at the chance to make her curiosity about the world her permanent career. Her new co-workers calling her the content goddess didn’t hurt either!

Nicola lives in Glasgow, Scotland with her husband Gof, along with their adorable corn snake Hugo and entirely too spoiled Persian cat Kasha. She has a myriad of hobbies but more specifically an active member of the world famous live music scene in the city, as well as an enthusiastic Live Action Role Player. Any questions about her hobbies will be both lengthy and detailed. Bring snacks.

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Are you looking for a dynamic and effective way to grow your tourism business? Well, look no further! We at the Tourism Marketing Agency believe in treating our clients as partners, and we’re committed to helping you achieve your digital marketing goals.

We have been inundated with enquires and clients so currently, we have a waiting list to join our family.

We want to make sure that we are a good fit for each other and can work together seamlessly. That’s why we encourage you to apply for an initial consultation and join our waiting list. Let’s work together to bring your business to new heights!