An Effective Facebook Ad Funnel at Travel Massive

The Glasgow Chapter of Travel Massive had another successful monthly event last night — this time at a brand-new venue: Everyman Glasgow. 

The turnout was great and we had two great speakers and plenty of lively discussion. For those who missed it, we’d like to summarise some of what the speakers said last night and to reflect on the evening — hopefully encouraging a few readers to attend August’s TMG event, which will be held on the 25thof August, at Cathedral House at 6.30pm.

A Wee Note About Everyman Glasgow

Everyone who turned up for last night’s event was suitably impressed with the venue. It is a specialist cinema on the ground floor of Princes Square, on Buchanan St. The food was great and the general atmosphere was a perfect fit for our event. There was plenty of conversation and debate in the bar before we went into the luxurious cinema screen room. The manager told us about Everyman and opened up a short Q&A to the ever-curious Travel Massive members. You can read more about Everyman and decide whether you want to organise a corporate event there, a big birthday party, or just attend a film screening. 

Chris Torres — An Effective Facebook Ad Funnel (Driving awareness and leads on a budget)

Anyone who has attended one or two Travel Massive Glasgow events knows that Chris is the chapter leader. Chris usually introduces the speakers, leads the Q&A sessions with guests, and records everything to share it online at a later date. However, Chris has recently written a book titled How to Turn Your Online Lookers into Bookers and he decided it would be a great idea to adapt a chapter of the book into a practical guide to using Facebook Ads to make an effective ad funnel. Lookers into Bookers is the first book of its kind as it is focused purely on marketing for the tours and activities sector. You can find out more about Lookers into Bookers by clicking the link.

Chris began his presentation by stating the purpose of his ad funnel: to build up email lists, traffic to the site, and Facebook followers. Chris then went into the process in a lot of detail, explaining each stage as he went along. He emphasised how important it is that tour operators using Facebook Ads don’t take their ads down after a few days when it seems like they aren’t working. This is because Facebook has a learning phase where its sophisticated algorithm takes a while to figure out the exact audience in which to show your ad to. Of course, the better you set up the ad, the quicker it starts to work, but it is important to be patient even when it seems like the ad simply isn’t going to work. 

Chris also emphasised the importance of soft selling on Facebook and he explained how and why it is always a better angle to take on Facebook and in the tours and activities sector in general. Then, when the presentation had finished, Chris opened it up to the floor and answered quite a few questions. The Travel Massive Glasgow chapter is wonderful mixed bag of business owners, professionals, journalists, and bloggers, so they never fail to ask the right questions to stimulate a good conversation.

If anything discussed in the blog has inspired you to start working on your digital marketing and you’d like to work with the Tourism Marketing Agency, then we encourage you get in touch; we are always happy to hear from new businesses. 

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