
The Art of Turning Lookers into Bookers: Mastering the Customer Journey

In tourism, success hinges not just on securing bookings but on understanding the entire customer journey. Travellers don’t wake up one morning and book a trip—they move through distinct phases, each with its own challenges and opportunities. By mastering the journey—Dreaming, Planning, Booking, Cancellation, Experiencing, and Sharing—you can build long-lasting relationships, turn lookers into bookers, and, ultimately, advocates for your brand.

Let’s break it down…

Dreaming: Capturing the Spark of Inspiration

Every journey starts with a dream. A traveller sees an Instagram post of a sun-soaked beach or hears a story from a friend about an amazing safari. In this early phase, they’re not actively searching for trips—they’re absorbing ideas. This is where your brand has to play a subtle, yet powerful role: inspire them without pushing them toward a decision.

Your objective: Capture attention. Build desire.

How do you do it?

Visual storytelling: Use stunning imagery and videos that transport them to the destination. Show the experience, not just the logistics. It’s not about what the tour includes—it’s about what the tour feels like.

Content that sparks curiosity: Blog posts, social media stories, and videos that speak to the “why” of travel—why people should visit that hidden gem or experience the culture you offer.

Social proof: Encourage travelers who’ve been on your tours to share their own stories and photos. Real-life experiences resonate more than anything.

By making your brand synonymous with the dream, you’ve set the stage for what comes next.

Planning: Turning Dreams into Tangible Possibilities

Once the spark is lit, travellers enter the planning stage. They move from passive dreaming to active research. Where can they go? What can they do? How much will it cost? This is where you transition from inspiration to information. Now’s the time to offer real value and answer the questions forming in their minds.

Your objective: Make planning easy. Become their go-to resource.

How do you do it?

In-depth guides: Offer comprehensive destination guides, travel tips, or even packing lists. Address all their concerns—from visas and vaccines to cultural insights.

FAQs and clear pricing: Don’t leave room for uncertainty. Be transparent about pricing, inclusions, and any fine print. Make them feel in control of their planning.

Lead nurturing: If they’ve engaged with your website, remarket to them with more detailed content or tailored offers. You’re helping them turn dreams into plans.

Here, it’s all about positioning your brand as their trusted advisor, not just a business pushing for a sale.

Booking: Making the Commitment

The dreamer has now become a planner and is ready to commit. The booking stage is where the stakes are highest. One hiccup in the process—a confusing website, unclear policies, or lack of trust—and they might abandon the whole thing. This is where simplicity and reassurance are key.

Your objective: Facilitate a seamless, trust-filled booking experience.

How do you do it?

User-friendly booking system: Make sure your booking platform is intuitive, mobile-friendly, and fast. Every extra click or page load is a chance for them to bail.

Social proof and guarantees: Display recent reviews, testimonials, and any money-back guarantees prominently during the booking process. Reassure them that booking with you is the right choice.

Urgency and personalisation: Limited-time offers, personalised discounts, or “only a few spots left” notifications can give them that final nudge.

By the time they click ‘book now,’ they should feel excited, confident, and ready for what’s to come.

Cancellation: Mitigating the Risks

It’s the stage we hope won’t happen, but it’s a reality: sometimes travellers need to cancel. How you handle cancellations can make or break their perception of your brand. A traveller might cancel today, but that doesn’t mean they won’t rebook in the future if you handle it well.

Your objective: Make cancellations stress-free. Keep future doors open.

How do you do it?

Flexible cancellation policies: In a world of uncertainty, offer as much flexibility as you can. A traveler may cancel now, but with a good experience, they’ll remember you when rebooking.

Easy refund or rebooking options: Streamline the process of cancellations and refunds, or better yet, offer rebooking options with clear terms.

Positive tone: Approach cancellations with empathy. A personalized message that expresses regret at the change and hopes for a future booking can leave a lasting positive impression.

A cancellation doesn’t have to be the end. It can be a bridge to a future relationship.

Experiencing: Delivering on the Promise

This is the moment everything has been building toward—the actual experience. At this stage, your job is to ensure that what they booked lives up to the dream they’ve nurtured through all those stages. Their experience on the tour or activity will shape how they feel about your brand long after they return home.

Your objective: Deliver an unforgettable experience that matches (or exceeds) their expectations.

How do you do it?

Attention to detail: From guides to logistics, every part of the experience should feel smooth and thoughtful. Make sure the traveler feels cared for at every step.

Surprise and delight: Exceed expectations by going beyond what was promised—whether it’s a small gift, an extra stop on the tour, or personalising the experience based on what you know about the customer.

Real-time feedback: Encourage travelers to share their experience during the trip. This not only shows you care but also allows you to correct small issues before they turn into big problems.

A flawless experience transforms a one-time customer into a long-term advocate.

Sharing: Turning Experiences into Advocacy

When the trip ends, the journey doesn’t. The final stage is where travelers share their experience with friends, family, and, most importantly, the internet. A glowing review or social media post can do more for your business than any paid ad.

Your objective: Turn customers into brand advocates.

How do you do it?

Post-experience follow-ups: Send a follow-up email thanking them for choosing you and encouraging them to leave a review or share their photos. Make it easy for them to spread the word.

Incentives for reviews: A small discount on a future booking or a free gift in exchange for an honest review can help boost your online reputation.

User-generated content: Encourage your customers to tag your brand on social media or use a branded hashtag. Their posts act as authentic word-of-mouth marketing.

The more satisfied travellers share their stories, the more potential customers you inspire to start their own journey—from dreaming to booking.

Final Thoughts

Mastering the full customer journey means understanding that your role doesn’t end when someone books a tour. Each stage—from the dreamy beginnings to the post-experience sharing—offers opportunities to engage, build trust, and create lasting loyalty. The real art lies in recognising that you’re not just offering a tour; you’re guiding your customers through a full, rich journey from the moment they imagine it to the moment they share it.

New Lookers into Bookers Book

If you would love more advice on how to grow your tourism business, I will soon be releasing my new book, Lookers into Bookers: The Tourism Marketing Blueprint. Everything you will see in this book is 100% the strategy we took for a real tour operator. No filter. No bullshit. Just the facts.

In this book, I will cover the exact approach we took to help grow their leads, bookings and, ultimately, their business.

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