Build up Your Customer Reviews & Brand Trust

Welcome to the Digital Tourism Show episode 267 and the first of our 5 min workshops in which I will provide you with tasks that you can do for 5 min a day.

Today, I am going to cover reviews and assign you a task to ask for reviews from previous customers.

Next to actual bookings, reviews are the lifeblood for any tourism business as it can be all the difference between someone selecting your experience over another. Building trust in the minds of your customers is what makes them book with you in the first place.

Over the next seven days, I want you to ask all your past customers if they can leave you a review with the angle of helping you rebuild your business after the devastating effects of the pandemic, without begging for them.

To help assist you, I have created some templates that you are free to use to send to your customers. I would suggest selecting one of our post-covid templates and uploading to your email platform be it MailChimp, MailerLite or other platform that you use. Replace the highlighted areas with your own information and dynamically pull in the customer’s name.

If you don’t use a platform for emails currently then I recommend MailerLite. Link provided in the show notes below.

You may also use a booking platform or OTA that allows you to send follow up messages to your past customers. If so, use the templates there too if allowed.

On where to ask for reviews, if they came from an OTA and that OTA has an inbuilt review system, direct them to that. If they came direct or from a platform that does not allow for reviews, use Google as this will help your SEO and rankings long term.

So what are you waiting for… follow our guide and use our templates by visiting…



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