Looking at Your Customer Purchase Journey

Welcome to the Digital Tourism Show Episode 269 and in this 5-min workshop, I am focusing on the customer purchase journey.

In this workshop I am going to ask you to look at your customers’ purchase journey and determine if there are any gaps in your sales and marketing, meaning you are possibly missing out on potential opportunities to sell or upsell to that customer. It will also make you think on the platforms and tools that your customer may use.

In the PDF guide that you can download below, you will see an overview and a diagram of a customer’s purchase journey. These include…

Dreaming Moments – When your potential customer is exploring destination options and ideas with no firm plans. At this stage, people are looking for inspiration. What tools and platforms do they use? What type of content inspires them? What are they searching for?

Planning Moments – When your potential customer has chosen a destination. They’re looking for the right dates, the right flight, the right place to stay, and all the things they’ll do while they’re there. What tools and platforms do they use? 

Booking Moments – When your potential customer has completed their research, they are ready to book their tickets and reserve their rooms. What tools and platforms do they use? 

Experiencing Moments – When your customer’s trip is underway. Travellers are ready to live the trip they’ve been dreaming about — and share it with others. How do they interact with your business? With locals? With people in a tour group (if all strangers).

Sharing Moments – When your customer shares content and their experiences during and post trip on social media, with friends, family and work colleagues. Do they use Facebook, Instagram, TikTok? 

What are your customers’ start and end points and what do they do in between?

In the PDF guide, you will see an example of a potential customer journey as well as more explanation. I would like you to try and map out the journey of your own customer by using the diagram provided. Add in the potential touchpoints where they currently interact with your business and see if any gaps emerge. Are you missing a sales call followup? Are you inspiring them by creating content that really gets them excited at the dreaming stage. Are you falling down once they have booked by not keeping in touch or even asking for reviews?

Have a go and see what emerges and feel free to split up each of the 5 sections per day. It may help you realise that you are missing one or more steps to interact with your customer, which can be all the difference to receiving a good review, an upsell or even the initial booking itself.

Download the guide and email templates here: https://tourismmarketing.agency/tourism-marketing-reports/

Join the Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/digitaltourismshow

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