Help conduct the largest research study of your industry

We have partnered with Arival to help conduct the largest research study of your industry: Tours, Activities, Attractions & Experiences.

We know you are very busy, but we and Arival ask you to take a few minutes to complete this survey We promise this will be time well spent. The results from this study will help you better understand your industry and benchmark your performance against your peers.

Arival is an independent company that provides research and conferences for companies like yours: creators of in-destination experiences. Arival will not share your responses with us or anyone else. After completing their survey, Arival will…

  1. Share the report with you (in a few months after the analysis is complete)
  2. Enter you into a drawing to win a complimentary ticket to any Arival conference of your choice in 2020

Arival will only report aggregated results. You do not have to enter any data that identifies you or your company, and no one in the industry (including us) will see your responses.

Arival has partnered with other companies to get this survey to as many operators as possible – so you may have already received an invitation. You only need to take the survey once. If you have already taken this survey – thank you for your time and input! If you receive multiple emails about this survey, we and Arival apologize for the inconvenience.

Here is the link to the survey:

If you have any questions about the survey, please email [email protected] directly.

Thank you for providing your insights for this important survey. We promise it will be worth it.

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Chris and his team will send you a weekly email offering high-value insight and advice about a variety of marketing and business development topics related to the tourism industry. We address specific destinations, tours and activities, and the hotel industry. We also provide important travel industry news and updates.

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