

Chris Torres
How to Conduct a Quick Competitor Analysis for Free
When it comes to marketing your business, you do need to look at what the competition is doing that is both working well and what you feel you can do better. Conducting a full Competitor Analysis is both a time-consuming and expensive process, but there are ways you can gain invaluable insights for free, using...
How To Start Optimising Your Google Business Profile
Google Business Profile brings with it a whole host of benefits for local businesses, including helping them reach new customers.
Sell your products on your Facebook & Instagram Accounts
It is becoming more important than ever to show your experiences in a place where your customers ‘hang-out’.
The 30 Second Video Challenge: Tips on Shooting video
This will get you not only used to recording video, but also allow you to test how your audience on your social platforms engage with it.
Create your own Cash-flow Crystal Ball and Predict the Future
Create your own crystal ball... a 2-year cash-flow predictor that allows you to see how your business will look like over the next 2 years.
Looking at Your Customer Purchase Journey - 5 minute Workshop
Look at your customers' purchase journey and determine if there are any gaps in your sales and marketing and sales.
The Sales Process for Enquiry Based Tourism Products
Dedicating even just one hour on sales per day can make all the difference. With this episode, I show you how to interact with your potential customers.
Build up Your Customer Reviews & Brand Trust
Reviews are the lifeblood for any tourism business as it can be all the difference between someone selecting your experience over another.
Launching 5 Minute Marketing Workshops
These are designed to give you quick to-do’s that don’t take up much of your time but will help you grow your business.
Important Announcements and the Future of The Digital Tourism Show
I wanted to use the time in this episode to provide you all with a few exciting announcements of things I am looking to launch in 2022
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